excel-like-table editable by a group of users
  • 2004/9/15 9:30

  • asche

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 116

  • Since: 2004/4/5 9

I am looking for a solution which enables a group of authorized users to edit an excel-like table on my website. Because I want to show a list of documents with their attributes (date, urls ...) it should be shown in a excel-type table (the source for the table is a excel-table anyhow). Nice thing would be the use of excel-like-functions like "sorting of columns" ....

Does anybody know a solution?

Re: excel-like-table editable by a group of users

I don't think there is a current project available like this. But it sounds to be along the lines of a free form database module that has been discussed before.

Some tips: forget the Excel portion, that only puts specific requirements on the server and the user beyond the generic requirements already. Excel can be a user app but should be transparent to the server.

The database is already a better manipulation tool online than Excel online can be. The data stays in the database and manipulated just like you would in a spreadsheet. You can track all edits and present the data to look like a spreadsheet.

When you need data uploaded or downloaded versus being edited online you can provide links and input fields to accomplish this. The output/input should be in a generic format that can be used in or originated from Excel or anything else the user has.

Pretty big project though.

Re: excel-like-table editable by a group of users
  • 2004/9/16 0:06

  • asche

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 116

  • Since: 2004/4/5 9

Hi DonXoop,

thank you for the info, I give up hope for an easy excel-like solution.

So I just copied the contents of my excel-table into the news. This way I can display the titles and the urls without having the table-like looks and features (like sorting).

Just to give an impression, what this list of documents and url looks like now - in case somebody has an idea for improvement ....

Re: excel-like-table editable by a group of users
  • 2004/9/16 6:07

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Looking at what you have posted on your site, it seems to me that you could use the Web Links module. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Description + Link = Web Links Module.

You could easily assign group permissions in the admin section to allow for whatever user group you wanted to be able to edit the information. You would also have the added functionality of being able to include a Screenshot of the site, if you wanted.

Maybe I mistook what you wanted to accomplish. If so, I apologise.

Best Regards,



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