Re: What's going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/4/27 21:14

  • simeon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 104

  • Since: 2003/12/18

sorry for being off topic.i just wanna thank all those people who spend so much time make XOOPS the best cms ever.
don´t take it too serious and don´t loose the fun work on XOOPS can give.
i don´t see XOOPS is indignantly to spread over the world.
drop your works together in a big pool intead of make your own thing.speak about everything till no misunderstandings left.i think XOOPS is not an old man who dont want to learn something new.

keep up the good work guys.thanks that I may be a xoopser

Re: Whats going on with XOOPS

maybe I'm naive but wouldn't RSS serve a purpose for sharing information? news/forum . The native language wouldn't matter since the grouping could be by language. Then native speakers can read their language and hopefully visit those sites for support. If some items are translated then great.

There must be a reason why people gravitate here for support instead of a site in a language much easier for them.

modules.., IMHO the modules respository shouldn't store any files except for xoops.org files that can be maintained. Very few files are current and many leave no valid links for finding them. and support for those modules.... Announcing a new module is great but link to the site that is authoritative for it so that last year's version isn't what is listed here. Clearly the majority of the modules aren't kept up to date and if the project dies that listing is still here.

So people come and people go. Nothing new and not exclusive to open source. Neither is fighting in public.

I hope something gets worked out. Meanwhile, posts are getting bumped off the front page before it gets 15 reads and apparently never to be seen again. To me that's a bigger issue. I know where to look but many don't it seems.

Re: Whats going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/4/27 21:41

  • damaster

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 556

  • Since: 2003/5/11

Above all, common sentence :sorry for my english !

I'm glad to see XOOPS opening its arms to world !

Dream your XOOPS Global,
Act your XOOPS Local !

A few weeks ago, some master was sending "letters" to some local communities and posting here asking each others to recognize its own errors and to look at those (mentioned xaraya) that do better to progress, how to work together and remain humble keeping spirit's united, strongest. But the post was deleted. And the letters never got answer. It seems to be the XOOPS everyday bread.

There's outdoor more people speaking chinese, japanese, french, spanish, portuguese or italian than english. There's much more improvements coming from local communities (like the security improvements in the last release), that's why i hope you (LT & CT) will stopping to wish the world turning around you and at least still modest acting wisely.

Xoops.org should be used as a clean frontpage to global/international project news (with a translators team) and it would be fair to treat english support like any other language (maybe using prefixe redirecting to local support).

What distinguishes this project from another, who made it, who is using it ?


i'm listen to you, i care about what you are doing here, but are you listen to me, you even know who i am !?

The XOOPS User

I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!

Re: What's going on with XOOPS

Who cares how useful the information in a particular native language forum is to others? This is the responsibility of the 'local site representative'... if he/she deems it appropriate it Will be translated and moved to the appropriate forum (where it can be read in english). If he/she deems it inappropriate, the responsibility of that action lies with the 'local site representative' and not the organization. This distributes the responsibility for timely posts to the 'local site representative', just as having multi lingual submissions to the specific geography's forum distributes the the aggregation of news items to the community.

So... as I understand your point, when someone posts something on e.g. the French community website that could be of interest to other people, he/she should also post it in the French "Geography" forum here on xoops.org? Then a French community representative will see it and translate it.

To me it would make more sense that news and other information that is interesting to the XOOPS community in general would be spotted on the local site - where the representatives "hang out" anyway - and translated to a post in the closed forums here. Then the WOX newsletter team and other community site representatives can see the English text and judge whether it should be put in the newsletter or translated to e.g. a news article on the Finnish or Japanese support site. I don't understand why you want that additional non-English content here on xoops.org when it can be taken directly from the local site.

Regarding moving all the local sites to xoops.org, I'm not sure that is what the local sites want (correct me if I'm wrong) but maybe I am missing your point, Damaster.
Regarding the deleted post about recognizing errors etc. I don't recall seeing that post so if you can highlight the main points, I would be happy to discuss them.

Re: Whats going on with XOOPS


A few weeks ago, some master was sending "letters" to some local communities and posting here asking each others to recognize its own errors and to look at those (mentioned xaraya) that do better to progress, how to work together and remain humble keeping spirit's united, strongest.

If I'll try to answer shortly, I'll have to say that
- Xaraya uses different (orthogonal) communication model between language-specific sites Xaraya team (note - language-specific, not country-specific and main site definition and entity really missing): no local sites, only translated mirrors of one of language sites - "en", there are no life on local sites reflected to en.

I don't think it better or worse model, it's simply another model and significantly lesser "world"

Re: What's going on with XOOPS


To me it would make more sense that news and other information that is interesting to the XOOPS community in general would be spotted on the local site - where the representatives "hang out" anyway - and translated to a post in the closed forums here.

Can't see reason even for closed forum. If I catch good news, information, solution - I'll ask author repear it to news (or whatever can serve better) here. If he can't do it (lang-problem, connectivity-problem, time-problem) I'll do it for him, and leave decision "publish or not" in the area of xoops.org webmasters responsibility.
Full period.

Re: What's going on with XOOPS

I suppose, well started topic (will serous questions) move now in slightly wrong direction. Let's return to roots.
Main problem (as I see and hope understand correctly) is not lack of inter-comunity and community-dev communications.
Main complaint is about different views of tactic and strategy of XOOPS developments as system. In detail...While Dev team want to add "bells and whistles" (in the eyes of Hardcore Japan PHP-programmers), they want to pay main (full, exclusive...) attention on quality of code (maybe even without visible at front-end changes) and real and possible security weaks. They don't want beauty, they want power, even if it seems as night-horror.
What is Oreteki-XOOPS (as I grok it)? Hardened and cleared XOOPS without any of not serving two mentioned targets features.
Without accepatble for both sides solution on the current XOOPS codebase ideological contradiction can't be resolved. And Japan party have some sort of "heavy artillery" on her side - I just mention one person, GIJOE, ok, and his contributions last times?!
I don't know, who didn't hear japan developers and other insiders, and don't want know - why. It's not my game... But I see this problem as bad, evil sign - something broken in body of XOOPS development team. Lacks of communication produce lacks of organsation, which produce chaos of forks and segregation

Re: What's going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/4/27 23:18

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

This thread does not in one bit surprise me at all.

For the last few months I have sat and watched this unfold into the fiasco that it now is. There are two sets of people here at Xoops, the in crowd and the ones on the outside looking in.

The current core members to not care for anyone else but themselves when it comes to the development of Xoops. Sure, you might actually start listening to people but normally it takes a sledgehammer to hit before the information sinks in.

The Japanese community have been trying to get your attention over matters that they regarded high on the list for the development of XOOPS only to be ignored until someone finally took noticed and realised that there was a massive hole in Xoops, and even then you lot reluctantly took notice. This is not the first time that this has happened and you only need to venture through these and other forums for that evidence.

So why has XOOPS lost so many of the top developers over the last year? Why has so much talent gone from the development of XOOPS and why is nothing being done to prevent this from happening? I could give you a list as long as my arm of the people who have left or are extremely unhappy with the current XOOPS team and the way that XOOPS is being developed. Why do I know? Because I have personally spoken to many XOOPS module developers regarding this matter and message is very clear.

I think it is about time that people on these forums who rather adhere to arse licking and just agreeing for the sake of agreeing took a few steps back and realised that even though the number of XOOPS users grow, the amount of modules, themes and work to the core is actually going down and there are not the number of raw new talent coming in to take over the place of lost talent.

The sad fact is this, the core doesn't bring people to Xoops, its the modules and themes that people use in a daily context that does. I have said this before and I will say this again, the current thinking of the core is to throw out as much as possible to the outside developers (Hacks, modules, themes etc) and hope that these people carry on the development of what I regard as key core development area's and not down to others. You just have to look at the issues going on now to understand how fucking stupid this current thinking is by the core. The more key development that is sustained by the core thus means that important areas stay up to date, secure and hopefully written to the XOOPS OO standard. This offloading of work WILL backfire in the long run.

Apparently the next version of XOOPS totally disregards module developers by the fact that all modules (from what I have read) will be rendered useless due to the new way that modules are dealt with. So what does this mean to everyone? Well with the lack of current module developers around today, who is going to take over the role of converting all the modules that wont work, don't have developers currently working on them and those modules that where originally core modules? Will the core team do this, oh I forgot, they couldn’t be pissed assed actually doing work on them any more. Hell, no wonder Mambo is running riot at the moment with the awards that it’s winning just now.

The sad fact is this, when the new version comes out, what will you have?

Someone mentioned a fork in this thread; you really don't have a clue how close that actually happened. I can tell you now that many XOOPS module developers (Yes ones that are here right now) actually started putting this plan into action and where going to fork Xoops. Yes, we have a name for this new CMS, we have the development structure in place and we have many Module, theme developers to do the job and are unwilling to put any more time into XOOPS development.

We then decided to wait until the new version came out before we would decide which way to continue. You have to ask yourself this question, WHY??? Ask yourself that question please. Why we developers have decided to do this? Because, we are extremely unhappy with what is going on in Xoops, both with (some) members of the current core and the direction of XOOPS it self.

I know I am going to get 'shit' for this post but personally I couldn't care less. I am telling you how it is, the other developers feel but are unwilling to say (except for Phppp) anything in fear of being labelled a traitor to the XOOPS cause.

I left XOOPS because of the crass and bullshit covering the already showing cracks in the XOOPS foundation. Being told how wonderful everything was and how fantastic things are and the self style jubilations and pats on our own back in a job well done, when the people who matter where saying, look something is wrong here and were just ignored.

When I was with WF-Projects, we asked if one line could be inserted into a java script function last year. To us it seemed more sensible to add one line to a core function rather than have to write more code that wasn't needed. We where told, 'No'. Again, I mention that there was a serious bug with compression and the error handler system (Oh Compression doesn't actually work as it stands just now without hacking the system) and FYI, the compression bug is a well-known issue at the PHP site, you might just want to have a look one day. These are just two examples of many, many, many which have been completely ignored. (Well unless you are part of the in crowd, then that’s a different matter. Just look at the fixes and addition names with each version of Xoops).

Well as someone once said, so long and thanks for all the fish!

Re: What's going on with XOOPS

LazyBadger - I don't see those two viewpoints (features vs. security) as being mutually exclusive. It is completely possible to have both a secure and a good looking system. The basis of this fork is a difference of opinion between Kazu and some of the other developers on the core team on how one security feature should be implemented. Nothing more. Not if the feature should be implemented, but how.

Open Source project forks occur on a daily basis. They usually occur over 2 well-meaning people having strong opinions on how something should be done. Though I cannot cite direct examples, kazu has proven to the rest of the core team that he was not interested in working with the group. Though he was instrumental in getting XOOPS to this point, we as a group felt that he was hurting progress more than he was helping. This does not imply that communications as a whole are flawed in the core team.

As always, security concerns are taken very seriously by the XOOPS core team. However they need to be more than vague insinuations. If there are open holes, they will be dealt with promptly.

Can communication from the development team be improved? Most definitely. Are we trying to improve it? Also most definitely. However, change takes time.

Everyone in this community plays a role in the long term success to XOOPS. In my opinion, if phppp had a problem with decisions made by particular core team members, they should have been addressed to the team member themself first, to the core team as a whole if the issue isn't resolved, then to the community at large.

Re: What's going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/4/27 23:24

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


ackbarr wrote:

kazu has proven to the rest of the core team that he was not interested in working with the group. Though he was instrumental in getting XOOPS to this point, we as a group felt that he was hurting progress more than he was helping. This does not imply that communications as a whole are flawed in the core team.

Actually that is incorrect. Kazu did say he wished to continue as lead developer and Herko told him to 'Get lost'. btw, it was Catzwolf who told me this as he seen the actual 'conversion' between Herko and Kazu via a messenger. This was reason Catzwolf Left Xoops.


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