I think we're talking about the same thing, but the reason I would opt for multi-lang follows:
IFF multi-lang forums exist, any user so inclined could log in and post what THEY consider to be a worthy announcement, news item, post, etc in their native language (it's easy to navigate and post due to multi-lang).
Now you have 1 'lead' in geography moderate those posts which are in his/her geography in his/her native language. This lead translates any necessary posts and also performs reverse translations (or assigns that to someone else on their Local Support team).
This lead is basically responsible for their geography's information in regards to the remainder of the site (eg. to XOOPS organization and cross geo) and would use english outside of their Local Support forum...
In esssence what I envision is that this type of freedom of posts in native languages would make it easier for the actual people 'making' the news to post it.
The benifit is that the onus for information updates and translations becomes a responsibility of the Local Support site Team Lead as opposed to a xoops.org function.
So for example each of the Local Support Sites would have it's own forum with posts either in english OR native lang. This forum (for each geography) would allow any user or contributor from that geography to post news in their native language. As needed, the Local Support team lead would translate those posts which had international significance and move them to the proper forum (WOX for example). All of the remaining posts in any given geography's forum could then be used by the team lead to generate a Local newsletter, including the active WOX posts.
The remainder of the site (aside from the forums by geography) would work as you describe.
The big benifit being, if we task an individual with both gathering and translating news it is a far more difficult job than moderating. Additionally, we are to a larger degree putting the power in the hands of the people by allowing an easier and more open form of communication. The forums I describe are SOLELY for the purpose of submitting news, changes, dev reports, etc. and the remainder of the site's business could be conducted in english.
Let me know if that does not clarify it enough... basically I agree with you that the lang should be english for the site proper, but if the admin headache is not significant, I see real benifits in information availibility in structuring the tool set and administration this way.