@shivaji, yes... your right, xfactory will be in english soon, as i find someone who#s english is better than mine
hello to the creatives,
you will always find 100 ways to catch a cow...
i for one will always prefer using that way on which you don#t have to hack the core.. and i#m not only talking about possible updates...
if there#s more than one webproject, you have to look at you will go crazy looking what you#ve done in each project and upping these files each update comes. for me its easier just to have look at the theme.html and the blocks to see enabled functions.
let me say .. i prefer "displayhacks" !
but its still powerful to see that different ways here to come to the same result.
this is the way to get new ideas of using XOOPS and we need this... at that time, XOOPS team decided to use smarty, three drops as big as cherrys run out of my eyes as i read this [just going to be used with that theme.php] ..
now XOOPS and smarty engine show its fully possibilities, but we haven#t reached 10 % of its power yet for sure...
Now it#s our turn to put that what the core team included within functions and querrys in those clothes our VISITORs want to see...
@svaha ... it#s great to see that i#m not the only one thinking too difficult..
sometimes we should think easy as it is but sometimes around 5 corners..