Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 1:58

  • aim4fame

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2006/3/12

Um yeah..Xoops is one of the best things ive seen come to the internet in general for a long time. People involved in web design and programming can learn more from XOOPS than some colleges(see budget cuts massachusetts)

Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 1:59

  • aim4fame

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2006/3/12

"boom head shot yeah"

Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 2:00

  • Jharis

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 488

  • Since: 2005/2/13

terrion and others,

The 2.2.4 line of code next update will be 2.4! We will pass over the 2.3 line and will wait a few months longer. When all things merge we will be right on track. Be patient.

don (el paso)
motto - green chili for everything!

Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 2:04

  • menochi

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 259

  • Since: 2003/12/28

As support communities go though, I've seen none better than what we have right here. As long as the Core and Module developers are working hand in hand (which seems to be the case) then there's no way I'm jumping ship.

Right. That´s exactly ONE of THE reasons I´m working with XOOPS
in valid code we trust

Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 6:49

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1


terrion wrote:
The fustration surrounding the future of XOOPS is a real killer.

My biggest concern is now that I've upgraded several sites to 2.2.4 it seems that this is a dead-end path for Xoops.

Just to try and clarify this a bit, XOOPS 2.2.4 is a development dead end, meaning the codebase will not be used to continue development. Support, patches and fixes will be released for this version.

User features, upgrade paths, backwards compatibility will be guaranteed as much as possible with *all* versions (2.0 and 2.2).

So for webmasters, 2.2 is not a dead end path, but an intermediary stage of progress. XOOPS 2.3, as Solos report on Skalpa's recent french demonstration shows, will bring the *features* of 2.2 (but not the code), and much much much more!


Re: getting tired of xoops?


does anyone know of any advantages that XOOPS has over joomla

I know one :)

Try to maintain Community portal in Joomla 1.0.8 and u can see the differences. A lot of alpha and RC state hacks, and the main thing which first was saw in Nuke are the comments :)

Joomla comments are 3rd party addon - is this the next-gen cms ?

XOOPS isnt no more my favorite CMS (looking forward of XOOPS Cube), but anyway comparing Joomla to XOOPS is not the proper way, compare Joomla against each other, even e107.org and php-fusion.co.uk.

Joomla doesnt have anything of the XOOPS features, except the better theme engine, better community, better documentation.

So if u plan to move Joomla or Mambo (my favorite of this 2 forks) better check how u will get replacements for all your needs and used on your site before the dowgrade.

BTW, there is no 2.2.3 to 2.0 downgrader. in downloads u can found 2.2.x (which is created for the buggiest Myth XOOPS 2.2.2) released few months ago, not for 2.2.3 to 2.0.13.

SimpleForum which is now Mambo/Joomla forum cant be compared with first alpha of CBB 0.01 :)

U will be forced to use SMF, but SMF works fine with XOOPS too.

The main thing to pick up XOOPS before Mambo (cos Joomla! was not exist last year) is one, Mambo simplicity is very well explained in XOOPS, not in Mambo.

Check with how much clicks u can open 2 news categories one for regged users, and one for annonymous, and put two news in there in XOOPS and Mambo/Jambo.

Than make this news to be commented by users, and to rate the stories, to put Poll inside the stories.

and the same situation in XOOPS 2.2/2.0/JP - no matter which core u will pick, in XOOPS this can be done with ease, in Mambo, Sections, Categories, Permissions (yeah, I remeber the good old time with PostNuke 0.716, permissions everywhere to show how much secure is compared to PHPNuke - blah).

Do u ever seen local site to be hacked, this is a war between one man and XOOPS.ORG staff (not the community), so 2.2 is stable as 2.0.13, if 2.0.13 (http://www.xoops.org) is hackable at least one per week, what the hell have to be 2.2? Do u ask here in the forum, for the pros and cons moving from 2.2 to 2.0 or vise versa ?


-Their components section is superb - http://extensions.joomla.org/

Yeah and the most promising componets (yacks, there are modules, and the mambo modules are blocks) are commercial. Hot Property for example.

So, GPL core - wich cant do anything without this crap - components, and most of them commercial ? Can u imagine this here at XOOPS (.org or .jp) ???

phpBB CBB 4.0 to become commercial "component" ?? haha


ie look in 'wysiwig editors' section and you'll find neatly arranged (and working!)

There is a 4 currently fully operational WYSIWYG Editors for XOOPS, but cant see why to use FCK or TinyMCE instead of the perfect Koivi ?

As u can read in that section of Jambo extensions, there is a only 3 editors, 2 forks of FCK, and over 7 forks of TinyMCE (and one that u not know yet, JosCE)


So I guess what I need to hear is any actual reasons why XOOPS is better - for example are the modules unstable in joomla?

And this is not enough to u ?
Ok then, go and try Joomla!, but dont cry if u met the most important bug nova days! Joomla and Mambo are the most stupid CMS created ever, for example if u have installed on your M/J site Simple Board 1.0.0, u cant upgrade it to 1.4RC 1, cos there is no update/upgrade option in Mambo/Joomla!

Do u believe that if Joomla main developers release patch from version to version, and the component maintainers do it - no way, just the new version, and dig it on your own, if there is database change, not only in the code (and there is no such thing like "upgrade database" such as SimpleBoard - u will go crying - where is my hackable, unstable and fast (compared to Joomla! with more than 200 reg. users in the same time) XOOPS :)

So wish u success with OOPS to Mambo/Jambo conversion, but cant seem a point why this fork Joomla is better than XOOPS, except the first 3 points mentioned up, and where is the difference between Mambo and Joomla! :)

I will told u later, if u become Joomla! fan, it will be like a gift to u :)

Some ex-mambo developers, which was defacted by Joomla! and found this "gift" by themself now are back to Mambo :)

So be very careful with this fork, friendly advice :)


Is XOOPS more secure? Though, again from your post if the homesite is getting trashed by hackers then that doesn't really bode too well!

Now take this example, if Joomla! was maintained by Herko, and Mikhail is the man who cant stay and minute without to #OOPS# up with xoops(.org) hacking, flooding, cracking etc. How much times per week Joomla will go down ?

As I told u before, it's not with the core, this hacks are against one or more ppl from XOOPS staff, and no matter what CMS will be used here.

If someone hates u, no matter that u are BSD Guru (if u are) your server will die each time when security hole is found by a powerfull hacker, which main objective is to buried your server once and forever.

Check securityFocus, how much time there is located XOOPS security hole, comparing to phpbb, phpnuke (my lovely scrap) and Mambo/Jambo ?


I think in terms of the look of website, joomla is two or three years ahead of xoops

Hehe, this make me laught, 2-3 years ahead ??? of what ?

Do u ever seen Mambo/Jambo Administration ?

Do u believe that the hardest CMS is TYPO 3 ?

Check Joomla! u love it :)


Joomla's apparently got a 1.1

Which is Mambo 4.6, instead of waiting, go and get it from http://www.mamboserver.com

Joomla! is a simple and unsuccsful try to steal the mambo popularity, if Mambo isnt exist, Joomla even cant be dreamed.


Xoops has the similar 2.3/2.4

Prefer to play with 2.3/2.4 instead of Jambo 1.1, there is still no modules managment in 1.1 :)


Use Drupal. You will see soon that you were only loosing time with those CMS's like Joomla, Xoops, ...

Yeah, the number one choice for ..... (no comment) pick it up

So wish u a lot of luck (u will need it) and success with Jambo! :)
May The Source Be With You!

Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 8:59

  • terrion

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 299

  • Since: 2004/9/19

Herko Coomans wrote:
So for webmasters, 2.2 is not a dead end path, but an intermediary stage of progress.

This is great news indeed, as is the rest of your post. Maybe I'm not spending enough time every day reading each snippet of news that comes out and some of the things that have been said recently have been alarming. I stress though that it's alarming to me because I only know what I read in the funny papers, and the few posts I manage to catch.

Speaking of the community that support's Xoops, I've paid a lot more for a lot less support. The folks working on this project writing the code and the folks that give their time supporting user questions is far greater than the average open source development project, period!

Go ask a few real "newbie" questions on the Mumbojumbla forums and see how welcome you feel by the response you get.
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Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/16 22:41

  • dap997

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2005/2/20

Red_Slider from plXOOPS have translate your post.


I know it only your opinion but worthy to know.


Re: getting tired of xoops?

Go ask a few real "newbie" questions on the Mumbojumbla forums and see how welcome you feel by the response you get.

Well I didn't try the others except phpnuke which was all too hard for me. Let me say this about xoops: before I came here i could and did write a MS Front Page web...Then I moved to hosted CMS websites where I was the author of docs etc - someone eles owned the site and gave me the access to write and present docs - and they were reliant on the advertising to make their money..as was I. In my field it became apparent that I was simply having fun and not making money. Then life changed and the websites were to cost more than I could manage so I had nothing for a while. I started searching and found my host, looked further and found xoops. Seemed great to me - remember I did not know much about html, php, MySQL etc - I was familiar with the terms nothing more.

Well through this support organisation Xoops.org I have been able to be a total newbie without being embarrased and ask 'dumb' questions without being frowned upon, and create a website that really works for me - It represeants what a total newbie can do with a CMS like XOOPS and a support community like xoops.org

Since then I have contributed where I can to FAQ, newbie help and I look out a bit for the newbies and try to make them welcome - my contribution since I can't donate code, modules, themes or money. I do what I can to give back. I believe you get from a community what you are prepared to give. This community is second to none. Sure it has problems - communication barriers created by the world nature of the community, the different ideas of the leaders and where that takes us, and the everpresent threat of someone trying to put us down or take us down.

But isn't this what 'growing up' is all about? Didn't we all get sick of being kids and teenagers and couldn't wait to be 'adults' only to find that in our world we never stop growing, never stop changing and re evaluating our current place and identity? If you are tired of XOOPS then I suspect you are tired of the growth process not the CMS called xoops.

Xoops is growing, evolving. It is not stagnant. It is not stuck. Some of us like eager children thing the next bit like Christmas takes forever to arrive, but eventually we do get to Christmas and our patience is rewarded with a great surprise.

No I am not tired of xoops. I like growing with it even if at times it gets a bit frustrating.


Re: getting tired of xoops?
  • 2006/3/17 4:29

  • Webster

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2006/3/17

Let's talk.

This is a big deal for me because I have just spent a pretty long time exploring a vast wilderness of systems. I've tried Drupal, Mambo, Joomla (or however its spelled), Typo3, TikiWiki, Twiki, Wordpress, PhPBB, and a whole lot of others that I either cannot remember or don't want to remember. Almost against my will, I was always pulled back to Xoops. Out of all of the choices that I tried, Drupal came the closest to winning me over. It came so close, but even it couldn't do it.

When I originally discovered the world of content management systems, I knew that I wanted something that Icould be sure would be around tomorrow. I wanted something that was easy to update, easy to install, and easy to work with on a daily basis. I wanted something that was flexible enough to make a corporate site, a small blog, a gaming community, and monstrous knowledge database. In short, what I wanted was something that was pretty hard to find. I spent months researching. First, I tied to setup and use mambo but I was quickly frustrated by the community, the documentation. Mambo just didn't feel right for a beginner. Then I tried Xoops.

You know, it is interesting but outside of xoops.org, it is difficult to find people who advocate the usage of Xoops. I don't even remember how I found this place originally. I think I just went through the content management systems at sourceforge one by one. I had already spent a few months fiddling with demos and I had built a few wikis and forums, but my project at the time required something more advanced.

I played around with XOOPS long enough to figure out that it was able to do what I needed and that I could deploy it quickly. Well, I was right and wrong. My first experience with XOOPS was a mixed bag at best - some things worked out well, some things kept me up late into the night trying to work around. It was a mission critical site that, though intended for only 20 people, attracted well over 80 by the time the need for it had passed. For me, it was a learning experience, and a very stressful one to boot.

After that experience, I went back into my exploring. Only this time, I was really looking for a replacement for a system that I had used. I figured that with XOOPS to compare against, it would only take a moment or two before I found a suitable replacement. First, I went back to mambo. Although I was more experienced, I still found mambo to be extremely frustrating. Mambots, mambothis, mambothat - it was a bit too big for me. It was like wandering around in a big city with no roadmap. After a while, I realized that Mambo made it easy to make a simple site and somewhat more challenging to make something more complicated than that. The mambo community was, compared to XOOPS (even though I never posted here, just lurked), a bit on the impersonal side. I prefer to read forums than ask questions and I could never bring myself to ask anything on the Mambo forums. The commercialization of so much stuff was also disorienting as I am a lover of open source and I find it difficult to believe that an open source project can blend commercial and open source without eventually losing that friendly open source feeling.

The next content management system that I dove into was Drupal. Drupal seemed to hold the key to everything. It was a true content management system construction kit. It was the first CMS that, out of the box, seemed to offer all of the features that I had originally wanted in a CMS. There was just one major problem. While I found drupal to be a dream come true, I had a hard time explaining to others why that was the case and showing others how to work with it. It occurred to me that most of my difficulty came from the fact that I honestly didn't fully grasp the complexity of drupal myself. I realized that it would take me months to learn it, and I also realized that even if I finally mastered Drupal I would never really be able to contribute to the community like I wanted to because web design is my trade and, frankly speaking, Drupal is not the best system to use when you are trying to rapidly get moderately complicated sites completed. With Drupal, before each project, it is important to fully plan each and every project before you start or the result will be sub-par.

So, here I am again. This time, I intend to save myself a great deal of time and effort and stick with it, and I can tell you (whoever might read this) why I am sticking with it. XOOPS may not be perfect, but it has strengths that you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere. The greatest strength of XOOPS is the community. The community leaders are intelligent, incredibly friendly, and informative. The community itself is both active and growing. The project itself is rolling into an exciting new direction that I would be happy to be able to contribute to and take part in. In an open source project, you either have a good community or you don't and from what I have seen it is immensely difficult if not impossible to develop a community of the type that XOOPS has if you don't already have one. The second greatest strength that XOOPS has is its own balance. Xoops, as a content management system, has achieved a masterful balance between features, flexibility, stability, and security. XOOPS is the swiss army knife of the content management systems. It can be deployed rapidly, used to great effect, and applied to a great variety of tasks. The module system that is employed for XOOPS is one of the most durable of any content management system that I have tried. I should probably stop while I am ahead, so I will just say that I have tried a lot of CMSs and I have found XOOPS to be the best (for me).

Note: The above is just the opinion of one person, myself, and it is a rather long post - if you make it this far I congratulate you. A number of my problems with most content management systems come from my own nature as a variety of perfectionist. If I can't do something just right then I will not do it. A summary of things is that XOOPS is the only content management system that gives me the control I like without sacrificing too much time. Unlike Drupal, with XOOPS I am confident that after I gather all of the knowledge i need in one conveniently accessible archive I will be able to shut off approximately 97% of my brain and just use it, confident that everything will work as I told it too.

Errrrr..... No. I was not payed to write that.


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