There are some modules with works on XOOPS up to
Some, wich have to be used up to
Some created to be used with 2.2
And some, very old modules, wich are provided for XOOPS 1.3 (currently only useable in RunCMS, with little changes).
Since xoops.org doesnt provide support for forks like RunCMS, Ciamos, I suggest u to move them (all in one category) called History, Archive, etc. So if someone is interested in their extension and continue supporting such as Xent Projects on dev.xoops.org to take it.
Few modules are created from teams which are not exist anymore (as web presence), few of them particulary uses old than 1.3 XOOPS.
As XOOPS 2.0 is the most used core, all of the modules have to be re-tested for compatibility with XOOPS and to be moved on Categoy - XOOPS 2.0 Modules, also descriptions of all of this 2.0.x and/or 2.0.5 (for version compatibility) have to be updated to or latest.
There is a few modules such as CBB 2.2/2.30 and extCal which have versions for both XOOPS, they have to be moved to separately category XOOPS 2.2 Modules.
Third group of modules, which are maintained and created professional such as Herve News 1.42 and works fine on both versions, have to be Symlinked to 2.2 Modules.
Lately on, when this changes are done, will be more easyly to maintain modules reporsitory up to date.
Just suggestion, on my hard drives all modules and cores are up to date, but users of XOOPS, which uses this releases are a little bit in troubles, such as piCal 0.7 added in XOOPS Modules Reporsitory, mine version is 0.83, there is a big changes between 0.7 and 0.83, so how un/official supporters will help the users ?
May The Source Be With You!