Re: Google search module for Xoops v2.xx
  • 2003/11/23 12:49

  • Coupa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/20

Doh! I guess I should pushed a few pixels more up my scroll bar and read your first post :P

[Dont ask me - I just push pixels around:P]

Re: Google search module for Xoops v2.xx


NaKeD wrote:
Is their a way to add your own links to the main menu... I have yet to find a way and XOOPs is great otherwise

The way I do it that works easiest for me, is that I ftp to my site, copy over my system_block_mainmenu.html from modules/system/templates/blocks to my home computer, then I add my links in using the same a class as the main menu uses for all their links and then I just copy it back into my modules/system/templates/blocks folder again. Then I update my system module in the modules admin.

If you are using a default template that comes with a different template other than the system's, you can edit your system_block_mainmenu.html directly in the templates admin in your site.

Others have suggested on this site that you could also go to templates admin, clone the system template and then edit any of the files in the clone and then you would need to set your default template in general preferences of system admin to be your cloned template instead.

Or you can even create your own main menu through blocks admin and replace the regular main menu.


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