Hi Mith! Thanks alot for the Great Multi Site hack!
I really apperciate your hard work for this!
I'm just wondering how can I make this work.
I would be pleased if you caould just tell me what should I do!
I am using Xsas as my localhost server and I did the following:
1. I created a website using 2.23
2. I copied the patched files in your package to the main website files.
3. I installed the site module
4. I added a website to the module with the following information:
Nevertheless,all I get is a blank page in site module index page (in the administration area).
Also, when I try to reach the new website, the website gets redirected to the administration area of site module.
I also tried to replace Xoops_URl with XOOPS_RESCUE_URL
and this only messes up the whole page!
I do not know what to do next!
Thanks alot! I know that this might be really boring for you to explain, but I'm sure there are many people who ahve problems as well as me!
Thanks In advance for answering!