it's not possible doing that using normal theme.html cause you once set the blockstructure.
I've done this once using different "theme.hml" for different modules. If you use a script which gives you the actual modulinformation you can use a querry like this :
put this in header.php or before opening head tag in theme.html ....
$module = $GLOBALS['xoopsModule'];
if ( isset($module) ) {
$module = $module->getVar('dirname');
else {
$module = 'system';
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('modname', $module);
now you can use different blocklayouts different module
use eg. before body tag ----
<{include file="yourtheme/blocksettings_system.html"}>
<{include file="yourtheme/blocksettings_news.html"}>
(edit: written out of head: hope it works, otherwise post again, i will look at that..)
and put that stuff (here: complete body with different blockstructure) you need in included files.... but take care installing new modules and that ...