2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2005/10/30 16:43

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

I've just posted first final version of our QA tool for modules.


thanks for your feedback
Do synergy or die.

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !

I am almost positive that this was the tool I was assisting with and one of the worksheets was a glossary sheet...got any of the pre release versions available that have that terminology or glossary worksheet? Anyone?

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/25 10:19

  • chippyash

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2004/1/29

I just found and took a look at this. One thing is the SEO requirement. It requires Hervet's or Marcan's Metagen module. I looked for that and it doesn't exist as far as I can tell.

At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, can I suggest you take a look at my own MetaTags module that does what I think you require. It can be found at http://dev.xoops.org or via http://xoobs.net. This work was inspired by Hervet's major hack that he posted recently and only requires a one line hack to footer.php to work.

BTW, thanks for the document. I learnt a few things that I am going to need to include in my own modules.

Hope it helps.

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/25 10:36

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

thanks for your feedback.
i will release soon a new version of our tool


It requires Hervet's or Marcan's Metagen module
I looked for that and it doesn't exist as far as I can tell.

no, not module, but hack

Yep, i have noticed that, great mod, i will have a look at it. That's definitively a feature that should be in core.

Do synergy or die.

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/25 21:04

  • kaotik

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 861

  • Since: 2004/2/19

Hi Marco.
Great job with the lastest version. I really like the color change and how you can imidiatly see how many items you have passed and how many are mandatory.
Quick question:
Aren't B7 and B9 saying the same thing in diferent words?

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/25 21:09

  • kaotik

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 861

  • Since: 2004/2/19

Another thing:
In the results sheet we can see the mandatory items but not the recommended ones, yet full certification mentions "recomended items".
How can a module developer tell witch are mandatory and wich are recommended?

Once again, nice job

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/28 7:03

  • chippyash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 501

  • Since: 2004/1/29


Marco wrote:

Yep, i have noticed that, great mod, i will have a look at it. That's definitively a feature that should be in core.

Thanks for praise. Hopefully you'll find it well documented but do give me a shout if you need help.


Further comments
  • 2006/4/28 7:41

  • chippyash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 501

  • Since: 2004/1/29

Feedback notes on QA sheet V2.0

Logo: I'm not sure that insisting on everyone using the same logo design is right. Devs should be allowed a bit of creative license on this to 'brand' their creations. Perhaps better would be to have guidelines on size and also publish guidelines and template for creating a 'classic' logo.

Header Comment Block: 1/ How do you generate the first line contained between $id and $ 2/ Are you suggesting that every file carries the XOOPS copyright info? 3/ Shouldn't every file also carry the developers own module copyright? And if so then other license variations should be allowed. For instance I like to use the GNU Library GPL for some of my mods as they do in fact behave as library software.

SEO: As previously commented, use XBS MetaTags module by including metatags_info.php file in module root directory.

B9 - No hard code variable: Language dependent variables/constants should be language files (main, modinfo, admin etc). However there are some constant declarations that occur that are not language dependent e.g.


In my mods I put these always in a defines.php located in /include/ subdirectory of module root. Perhaps a standard can be established for this.

Additional point for security: According to Shifflet (Essential PHP Security) it would be better if a/ all included files had a .inc extension rather than .php and b/ included files are outside of web document root. Point a is relatively easy to enforce (although XOOPS core will require wholesale change to comply.) Point b is not so easy as the XOOPS directory structure will need re-working and it screws up the easy distribution of modules. Not sure we can implement b but a should be easy enough to insist upon.


Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/29 21:16

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15


kaotik wrote:
Hi Marco.
Great job with the lastest version. I really like the color change and how you can imidiatly see how many items you have passed and how many are mandatory.
Quick question:
Aren't B7 and B9 saying the same thing in diferent words?

yep, already deleted in the new version i will release soon

Do synergy or die.

Re: 2.0 final of Quality Assurance tool for Modules released !
  • 2006/4/29 21:17

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15


kaotik wrote:
Another thing:
In the results sheet we can see the mandatory items but not the recommended ones, yet full certification mentions "recomended items".
How can a module developer tell witch are mandatory and wich are recommended?

Once again, nice job

well, all items are recommended, some are mandatory

i will add some explanations within last spreadsheet
Do synergy or die.


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