Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)

Hi, please advise if the following PHP notices are anything to be concerned about & if they are potentially breaking something ? It would appear as if the system does not recognise the fact that once I have logged in I am no longer a "Guest" so the "Who's Online" count is incorrect.

I am running on FC4 with PHP5.1.4 Zend Engine v2.1.0 and MySQL - Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.21

Notice [PHP]: Object of class XoopsUser could not be converted to int in file class/theme.php line 442
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/blockinstance.php line 111
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: where in file modules/osC/includes/search.inc.php line 35
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file modules/smartfaq/include/functions.php line 588

I also cannot install DMS V 1 -
Installing Document Management System

Version: 1
Author: Brian E. Reifsnyder
Unable to install dms. Error(s):
Invalid default value for 'obj_id'

thank you

Re: Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)

Your php notices are nothing to worry about. I can't help you with the problems of installing the module except to say try the XOOPS Admin manul (in documents on the left menu), and FAQ's on installing modules and perhaps this tutorial. HTH

Re: Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)

Hi, thank you for the response. I have successfully installed other modules. The error I received was when I tried to install the DMS module. Is there a specific forum / way I can request help on this module ?


Re: Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)

Well ther is here...but you can also check out information about the module where you got it from. Check this FAQ

It covers all the parts of the moudle repository and might help you find other places to look.

Re: Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)
  • 2007/12/14 20:24

  • Richybpqca

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2007/12/13

I had the same error...It is a MySQL 5 change that was made. I presume that this is what is happening. In an SQL statement you could create a table and assign default values of '' into a integer value..well not in version 5...the default value MUST be '0' or it will return an error. I have corrected 4 modules so far just by scanning the .SQL file and replacing the default '' by '0' in all integer values....

Hope this helps all those newbies.

Re: Newbie install Question - PHP Notice & Install DMS error (xoops V2.13)

Hi everyone!
Now i have the following trouble:
i changed de default values, as recommended;
But when installed, the module shows me all blank pages! in the admin menu and when accessing the module...
anybody knows how to fix this?
thanks in advance!

There is a thread, asking for it...

Thanks very much in advance!
Emilio Javier Leyes
Salta, Argentina


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