Hi Guys, I have an idea that could save alot of people alot of time here.
and im sure several of you already have the code and could probably whip it up pretty quickly.
the idea is to have a simple paypal gateway module, that has an admin page to enter the site owners paypal details. and a front end page that receives the info required for paypal transaction, ie price etc.
all the site owner need do is install and put paypal info in, then create whatever page or thing their doing to send the required info to the receiving page and it does the rest.
pleease let me know if this already exists, but ive done a few searches and come up with nothing, and im about to embark on learning how to code it into the module im currently working on, and i fear it may be a little difficult for my abilities.
for those of you that have already intergrated paypal with a module, it should be pretty straight forward to cut it out, and create the page to receive the info.

it would dramatically assist anyone creating custom built XOOPS modules that require payment, very usefull.
my fingers are crossed.