Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/24 7:55

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

It works! Thank you very much for your help !!
This hack should be added to the new version of the module, it is for it new option.

I have a great mood. THANK YOU

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/23 8:24

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

I studied all the files module. A example:

I tried to change viewcat.php, but in this code it discusses the sort pictures in the categories.
photo.php? It was only a detail of the image display.
It was a great chance file index.php, I tried to add code and modify the code.

I tried to change different parts of the code. But I'm not proficient coder
What parts of the code I publish and where? (I think it is a solution in index.php)

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/22 15:07

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

I tried everything, but nothing worked.
I had to quickly run project, because the customer no longer wanted him. I missed not translate articles into English :)


If you can think how to help sort control categories, please write solution.

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/14 11:01

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

The new category is always at the end. The principle of sort category in code I have not found.
I know it is necessary to add new code. I was just hoping someone will be able to do ...

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/14 9:03

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

Mamba, I need to sort categories - the latest on top. Module Settings solves only sort pictures in the categories. And the entire code is centered brand image sort.
I do not know where to look for code editing sort categories. I examined it all. I think that the necessary amendments be made to the index.php, but do not know how.

Timgno - photo.php affect only photo detail page. I do not know exactly what else can I do there.

Friends, I am not proficient programmer as you. It's hard to realize your tips. I would very helpful, if you had your tips to test and put me here modified parts of the code.

But I try to be productive.

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/12 13:44

  • chaoos

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All this I have tried. But it's not working. :(

Re: MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/11 18:14

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

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I have examined the front of the module, but sorting categories ... I have not found.

MyAlbum - sort categories
  • 2015/9/10 16:21

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

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I need a hack.
I want to sort the list of categories by dateD.
I want to sort categories, no photo in the category. Does anyone help me please?

Re: Olderion
  • 2014/7/30 8:08

  • chaoos

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It is possible interconnect module Oledrion and Profile?
I need to Oledrion while paying used user data, to be entered in Profile. To them he did not re-fill. If purchased not logged visitor, would have on its own fill so as in Oledrion now. But logged user should not have been.

Next, add the ability to add multiple contact forms.
It would also help in that, it would be possible add to the form custom fields, such as VAT and other. Companies usually need to fill in the billing information. Also can make a difference between billing and shipping address.

So what is most lacking, as payment modules.
Does anyone supplement least known payment gateways? Nowhere on the web I can not find even locally, let alone international.

Each product can only add one image.
It would be possible to add there possibility of adding at least five pictures (or more)?

Jobs Listings 4.4 Beta 2
  • 2014/7/28 15:05

  • chaoos

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  • Posts: 77

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

I tried different settings, but I still have a problem with privileges.
When I want to go to the module, XOOPS will report that I do not have permission.

Look site: http://xoopstest.chaoos.com

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