Re: login loop

Could be a database or server error. Have you tried contacting your webhost provider to see if they have done any upgrading or changing to your site's server recently?

Re: User Avatar in theme.html

You have to use html code in your theme.html file, php code won't work.

Re: Centre blocks won't display

Have you gone to blocks admin and checked off the center blocks you want to show up? Also, have you gone to groups admin and checked off the center blocks you want shown to each group?

Re: couple of newbee questions

You can put your custom menu (horizontal) in the theme.html of whatever theme you find that has a look that is easily customized by you. I have created many types of horizontal menus, though none as pretty as yours. 7dana.com, 4thefort.com, petitoops.net and many other sites have free downloads of themes. Some of these sites, you have to register at, some not. You should look through different themes and see how easy they would be to customize. I believe the Colors theme is easy to change, and the imago themes are easy too.

Re: [Articles] editting the 'index' page?

Did you try going to system admin > templates, click list link beside articles, click edit beside article_index.html and add the code where you want it to show on the article's index page? Also, you can only edit templates if you have cloned a copy of your default template and set it as your default template in system admin > preferences > general settings.

Re: Problem with Headlines in 2.06 RC

Okay, upsadaz. Download the tar.gz file on this page, it's a different program and make work better for you. http://freshmeat.net/projects/php-xml/

After you download it, open up a terminal in that directory and become root. Type gunzip -d ActiveLink-PHP-XML-Package-0.3.4.tar.gz, hit return, type tar -xf ActiveLink-PHP-XML-Package-0.3.4.tar and you will then have a folder called ActiveLink-PHP-XML-Package-0.3.4. cd into that folder through the terminal. Then just type ./configure in your terminal and when it's done it's thing, type make and then make install. It should install right for you. If there is an install text file or readme file, read that first before installing just in case it tells you to type something different than I told you.

Re: Problem with Headlines in 2.06 RC

Maybe you could try compiling that file instead of using an rpm, upsadaz. Compiling sometimes works better and you can read what it's saying as it installs. I will look for a tar.gz version of the file for you and tell you how to install that.

Re: RSS Feeds

Have you compared the files in your headlines folder on your server with the files in your original copy of xoops? It seems that you have a problem with the module itself according to what I see as the wrapper not being found.

Re: cjaycontent ?????

Hi Shelia! I believe the latest version of Tiny Content has an improved linking within a document to it. I believe you can just create internal links and have them go to other parts of the page. I haven't tested this but I remember reading about it when the module first came out.

Re: I'll Write the Manual

Ricland, we have a documentation team and they are currently working on making the documentation for XOOPS better. But these people are volunteers, no one is getting paid to do any of the work. They have jobs and lives, they do want they can when they have the time. People who come to the boards and start demanding stuff be done for them right away is a turn off for most people. We help because we like to help and want to help, not because it's our job. If you have a good attitude and show respect, others will do the same for you.

Most all of us, me included, had to learn how to create our own XOOPS sites, through trial and error, and reading the forums here and asking questions. Documentation will improve but only when the writers have it completed and are ready. This is not something that can be done overnight.

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