Re: cant see non-member box in group admin

When you click on any group to edit them, you can't see the left box at the bottom? Only the right box?

Re: A Final Question before I go to PhpNuke

Oh...he'll be back. I've installed both postnuke and phpnuke in the past. They both were harder than XOOPS to install and he won't get much help from their support forums if he talks to them as he has with us.

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

If it is just you that got your avatar hacked, I'd look into the women having an accomplice that has access to the server. All they would have to do is get your avatar's image name and replace with another picture renaming it to be the same as your old one.

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

I'm thinking it could be someone he gave admin rights to, that changed his avatar in his profile on him. You wouldn't need access to the server, just to his user profile.

But...I think he said that the avatar was pointing to the same file on his server that his old avatar was. Is that an uploaded avatar from XOOPS or one that you have pointed to a file you manually uploaded to your server?

Re: registration

What your talking about is to add a javascript pop up window that pops up the latest norton firewall info into your register.php file. I'm not sure how you could do that, but hopefully someone here knows how to add it and can tell you.

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

Do you have admin rights given to anyone other than yourself?

Re: Tuning default theme?

If you want to keep the banner then just make sure you have width as width=50% for each column (td) and align=center in both of them too.

Re: Tuning default theme?


Change to

Re: Tuning default theme?

Post your theme.html here and we can show you what to change. The reason that image won't center is because it's in a table with other things in that table. You may see a XOOPS banner there or just a column added to take up empty space.

Re: is this xoops?

You can put an image in any news article like that. Use the align=right or align=left code in your image code and the titles show up for your news articles already, you can change the font through your style.css file. For subtitles, you could just create your subtitles by hand when writing your news articles or there may be a module already that has a built in subtitle. You should check out the different Yaxs sites that get posted at this site. Some people are very good at making their news look like what the person has, at the site you posted.

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