Placing Blocks
Custom Block
News Module Help
Block positioning question
domineaux wrote:
The way around this is for theme builders to start with XOOPS default template and carefully work around it to maintain complete compatibility with XOOPS core, third party mods and hacks.
martyboy wrote:
Thanks Mithrandir. so if I was to put a short description to the news item in the normal entry field then put the full storie in the extended text feild that would give me the read more link to bring up the full story?
BobbyC wrote:
In the old site, I created an alternative set of templates to which I've made various changes. Can I transfer them to the new XOOPS install? What about the modules templates?
Hedgoli wrote:
I'm having some trouble with blocks. I tried to edit the Who's Online block by FTP but nothing happened so I thought that it might be a good idea making a custom one.
Another thing is that I can't add any other blocks except the ones that we're already visible.
By the the way, does anyone know how I can remove the 'submit news' thing for unregistered users?