Re: Why are users not being logged out after session expiration time?

Dumb question but do users have their password saved in the browser?

I never use the custom session config and it seems like a black art getting it right.

One other thought, is there a module or block or stats that updates itself (via jscript or whatever)? That could keep the cookie alive.

Re: User having trouple posting.

Assuming that everything is installed correctly then it is likely a personal firewall issue. Turn it off and see if that is the problem. If it is then you know where to fix the problem (in your firewall).

The double login is usually a URL issue. See if the hostname you put in the address bar is the same after hitting a link or two in xoops. If the redirect hostname is different (www or no www for example) after you login then that causes the double login.

Re: Setting Up Groups & Clubs

It is still a broad question depending on how far you need that to go. The simplest suggestion is to utilize the Groups and Permissions to its fullest. Lots of admin work but that's what a good site needs.

Treat the Registered group almost like anonymous. No special rights. The secondary Group(s) should control access and rights to club content. If a Forum category is only viewable or editable by CarClubA group members then this does the trick. Same for other modules that support it. Give groups access to their own Forums, News categories, Calendar categories, etc. CarClubA_Moderator group members (for example) might have admin rights to CarClubA content.

One tip I could make is to create a webmaster user that doesn't belong to any of the special groups. Use that login to maintain the site and group access. Much much cleaner than your day to day account or webmaster.

Re: Best Photo/Image Gallery Poll

Maybe you should add "currently active development" to the list. If the module is abandoned or has had zero discussion by it's author in over a year it would be an important factor. At some point there will be modules that won't work at all if the core changes enough and the modules don't.

That narrows it down a lot.

Re: Help!!! I can't create forums with newbb 2.0

umm, categories, forums, and their permissions are setup in the admin panel. Not in the forum itself.

Re: Whats going on with XOOPS

maybe I'm naive but wouldn't RSS serve a purpose for sharing information? news/forum . The native language wouldn't matter since the grouping could be by language. Then native speakers can read their language and hopefully visit those sites for support. If some items are translated then great.

There must be a reason why people gravitate here for support instead of a site in a language much easier for them.

modules.., IMHO the modules respository shouldn't store any files except for xoops.org files that can be maintained. Very few files are current and many leave no valid links for finding them. and support for those modules.... Announcing a new module is great but link to the site that is authoritative for it so that last year's version isn't what is listed here. Clearly the majority of the modules aren't kept up to date and if the project dies that listing is still here.

So people come and people go. Nothing new and not exclusive to open source. Neither is fighting in public.

I hope something gets worked out. Meanwhile, posts are getting bumped off the front page before it gets 15 reads and apparently never to be seen again. To me that's a bigger issue. I know where to look but many don't it seems.

Re: Why a simply problem dont have solution with Xoops?

The most obvious problem would be permissions on the image file or directory. Check that you have the correct permissions on all of the files.

YAXS: SPDA car club site after the first year

After running for a year I'm proud to say that my site is still running xoops.

SPDA is a Toronto based Subaru owners club. We're focused on grassroots racing and not as a general social club. We participate in affordable racing events across Canada and the U.S.

Of course the forum is the most active part of the site but we try to use the News and Calendar functions to keep track of our activities.

Any feedback is appreciated.

the site: Subaru Performance Drivers Association

Re: Strange "core.####" files in newbb directory

Those are likely core dump files on *nix machines. Usually means that something crashed (Apache?) and left the core file for analysis. Nice how the machine didn't die though eh?

Suggest looking at the Apache and system logs to see what is happening.

Re: xcGallery Problem

It seems to work for me. Have you tried it under a webmaster account?

The biggest problem for me is that the module devel seems to be dead. I've never heard otherwise so I'm not using it. Too bad, it could be a great image module.

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