I am trying to install XOOPS under Apache 2.0.54 on XP. I have PHP 5.04 and MySQL 4.0.25 running. The XOOPS installer wizard cannot create the tables on the database for some reason, it just displays the blank screen. I cannot see why the tables can't be created as the database user has full permissions to the database and my XOOPS directories have write permissions. So now I am trying to find out what the problem is. Having read the FAQ on blank pages my only option is to try to get error display turned on but for some reason XOOPS won't display what the problem is. In the php.ini have set:
display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL
Because this didn't work I tried to log errors using:
log_errors = On
error_log = "c:\server\apache2\htdocs\error.log"
No luck with this either.
I have spent hours trying to find a solution to this so I'd be really grateful if anyone has any suggestions.