Agenda-X 2.2 problem

I have installed Agenda-X 2.2 and given registered users all the same permissions as the administrator. As the adminitrator I add as many events as I like and the go stright on. When I login as my test user and add an event to the agenda it dose NOT appare.

It's not waiting in the "Approvales" section for me (the administrator) where dose it go?

I also want to (as the admin) have approval over ALL the posts, but NOT let other registered users edit other users posted events. The ONLY people that can edit the posted event is me (the administrator) and the person who posted the event.

Any help on part one and/or part two of this will be most welcombe.


Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

I think you need to disable the "submitted events need admin approval" (or similar) option in Admin>Agenda-X>Preferences.

I had trouble with events disappearing too. It must be a bug. If you disable the approval option you should be ok.

Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

There is an issue with apostrophes in the submission. As frequent as apostrophes are that problem can sometimes appear to be something else. There is a fix for it. What worked for me was to put an .htaccess file in the /modules/agendax directory with this line:

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0

Hope that helps.

PS, I would not elevate the rights beyond what you want just to cure a different problem.

Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

Hi Don,

This is STRANGE, I have done some further testing with both the Admin and a test user and it all seems to work OK now.

Do you think it would hert if I still was to add that line of code?

If so in What file and where do I add the line of code in that file?


Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

I never suspected it was a comma causing the problem! good tip! I'll try it out.

By the way, to implement the .htaccess solution.

Create a file in your text editor.
Copy the text 'php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0' into the file.
Save the file as ".htaccess" (just an extension)
Use your file manager to upload it to the modules/agenda-x directory on the webserver.

Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem
  • 2005/4/13 6:53

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

a second solution is to put a .ini file at your agendax root directory, with magic_quotes_gpc = no in it

Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

Hi David,

Thant sounds very confussing to a none tech like me can you give me any help with that file?


Re: Agenda-X 2.2 problem

Hi there, I'll be a little more specific :

I'll assume you're using Windows.

1) Create a file in your text editor.
- Open Notepad (Start>Programs>Accessories)

2) Copy the text 'php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0' into the file.
- Write 'php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0' (without the single quote characters) in the new text document.

3) Save the file as ".htaccess"
- Click File>Save As...
- In the Save Dialog Box, type ".htaccess" (this time keep the double quote marks)
- Save it on your desktop.

4) Use your file manager to upload it to the modules/agenda-x directory on the webserver.
- You need to use your FTP program to upload the new file to the modules/agenda-x folder on your website. The modules folder is in the root folder of your XOOPS installation.

Hope it helps,

BTW : I haven't yet tested this solution, I assume someone else has - it sounds reasonable!

all the best, good luck with it


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