Hi there, I'll be a little more specific :
I'll assume you're using Windows.
1) Create a file in your text editor.
- Open Notepad (Start>Programs>Accessories)
2) Copy the text 'php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0' into the file.
- Write 'php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0' (without the single quote characters) in the new text document.
3) Save the file as ".htaccess"
- Click File>Save As...
- In the Save Dialog Box, type ".htaccess" (this time keep the double quote marks)
- Save it on your desktop.
4) Use your file manager to upload it to the modules/agenda-x directory on the webserver.
- You need to use your FTP program to upload the new file to the modules/agenda-x folder on your website. The modules folder is in the root folder of your XOOPS installation.
Hope it helps,
BTW : I haven't yet tested this solution, I assume someone else has - it sounds reasonable!
all the best, good luck with it