Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?
  • 2005/2/1 13:54

  • kenneth6

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2005/2/1 1

Can the Ad management further evolved?

1. Pricing methods could have other alternatives, e.g. Pay per click, pay by period, etc. Pay per click is that the advertisers' deposits will be deducted by click (similar to Google). Pay by period is pre-set the date of start and the date of ending of the advertisements.

2. Allow members or unregistered visitors to register and auto-serve their advertisement account and submit advertisement (to be approved), not admin register manually. May use separate system for members account and advertiser accounts.?

3. allow advertisements to be shown in any places (of blocks) where webmasters like, not only on the top of the web site.

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?

I think the banner function will evolve. But depending on your needs you could use a stand alone ad server for more serious needs.

First, the existing banner can be placed anywhere you want. It is just a single line of code in your theme and can be placed anywhere else including inside a block (I think).

The SmartPartners module does most of the things you ask for including new submissions by a user.

If you need full function ads then the best bet is a stand alone ad server. phpAdsNew is a popular ad server with all the functionality you could ask for except for client submissions. You run the ad server wherever you want including as a sub site off your regular site. Then you put the ad code in your theme or in a block on your site. You don't integrate the ad server directly into XOOPS but simply pull the ads from the other server, this is how all the commercial sites do ads.

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?
  • 2005/2/1 14:49

  • kenneth6

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2005/2/1 1

I am a newbie. I don't know anything about coding. Will it be further evolved with user-friendly interface?

Thanks for your suggestions, but the SmartPartners can allow partner to submit their profile, not submit their ad and show their ad in any specific place in the site! As I know.

I encountered problem on installing PhpAdnew. It told me that "cannot connect to the database". I enter "localhost", the username and password that I can enter the PHPMyadmin, and others are default settings. What's happened?

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?

You control where on the site to place the ads, not the advertiser. He/she submits the profile, you edit it if needed, and then decide to put the logo(s) somewhere using the SmartPartner's block.

For many sites this is better than the banner system as it is.

The banner system is certainly lacking in function but it is easy to place the banner where you want it. In your theme.html file is the code "<{$xoops_banner}>". If you put this somewhere else it will show there. It isn't "user friendly" as you want it but is simple to do. You need some html knowledge.

phpAdsNew is for serious adverstisement features. If you don't have the need or not have the technical expertise then suggest staying far away unless you have help. Not for the faint of heart.

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?
  • 2005/2/2 6:55

  • kenneth6

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2005/2/1 1

Any other simpler but still powerful advertisement system that you recommand?

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?

SmartPartners is pretty simple. All depends on what you want it to do. In your other thread you are talking about pay per click or other more complicated functionality. A million ways of doing things so they aren't all made simple out of the box. For that level you are better to use stand alone scripts/servers like you mentioned or like I did.

Stand alone is best for high level functions and as easy to do as your skills allow. But stand alone isn't plug and play nor does it integrate with the userbase of the site. For ads or pay-clicky nonsense it is best that way. Any of this can be done buit not always without work.

Re: Can the Ad (banner) management further evolved?
  • 2005/2/4 3:13

  • kenneth6

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2005/2/1 1

I just saw another thread talking about the something that the first replier seemed not understand, so I stated some more information about this. I am not requesting that features at this monent.

As for your two modules recommended, I am going to investigate how it can fulfil my purposes.



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