Hey all,
Ok I have but a simple request. I need some information on whether I can or can not manipulate the URL address bar.
I have used my isp's space to host XOOPS (as apposed to my home server) and set it up so that it may work.
However the downside to this is that you have to look at a totally disgusting url address in the address bar.
Currently it reads as follows;
http://cgi.myusername.myprovider.comI am wanting to manipulate this to show;
http://www.mydomainname.co.ukThe thing I have to bear inmind here is that when you click on a link within the XOOPS framework it will go to
http://cgi.username.provider.com but for the viewer replace this with the domain name without affecting the linking etc.
I know I dont make too much sense. But if anyone out there should know how i can achieve this then please please let me know.
All the best Tom.