02a Blue --Shine

Xoopsdesign.com releases blue shine theme.
It has a corporate design with blue, gray and orange colors. We hope you enjoy it !
You can download it here !! you must be registered first.

Resized Image

Submitter: snow77
Publisher: XoopsDesign.com
Released: Thu, 17-Nov-2005

Version: 2.0
Downloads: 133304
File Size: 472 bytes
Home Page: xoopsdesign.com
Mirror Website: Download Mirror

Rating:   (16 Votes)

Reviews:  (1)

Download Times:
Modem(56k) : 0.07s
ISDN(64k) : 0.07s
DSL(768k) : 0.01s
LAN(10M) : 0.00s
Price: Free | Platform: Xoops 2.0 | License: GNU General Public License (GPL) (v. 2.0) | Limitations: Not Specified

XOOPS Web Application System User Reviews

Other files by: snow77

02a Blue --Shine � copyright 2024 https://xoops.org

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Bad link

You can't download this theme directly...you have to register with the site. Bah.


 Re: Bad link

Looks nice. But not interested in registering for another site just for 1 theme.


 Re: Bad link

Bah is right. I new and I can't believe how difficult it is to simply page through and pick out a template. For some, it takes 8 pages before I can get to an actual download page...


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

This one looked good but had 2 bad points.

1. had to register to another site to get it.
2. when installed it doesnt go down well with WFDownloads. When going into a category there is a huge gap between the main menu and the categories.

Not good, could've been tho, the overall look was great.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I am sorry if registering seemed too complicated, it's a free theme and it's all we are asking in return. You don't even have to validate the registration cause it's left to be activated automatically. Having users register can permit us to give easier support to the themes because we can identify the users with a username and give a more personalized support to the user posts.

We all have to register to XOOPS to be able to reply in the forums don't we?

I've been trying to find the gap/white space in the theme you mention with the module wfdownloads. And I can't find it. If you could show me better where it is I could try to fix it.

There is a demo here:


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

Nice theme snow, I like the colours


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I fell in love with this theme - the registration was instant, and the download quick - and now I use it for my work's intranet site. Righteous.


 Re: Bad link

Thanks for the theme, good work!


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I registered specifically so I could download this very theme, and it seems that this is the only theme that I cannot download despite registration. I am given a warning that says I do not have permission to access this area.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

mmm, I just registered as a new user, and accessed the download with no problem. To register you fill the form, press submit, then press finish, then login with your username and pass, the free theme should be available for you.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I registered, activated,logged in and still not authorised to download.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I have a small problem. I have just download this theme and copy to my page serwer and it doesn't work (I have XOOPS 2.0.15 version ) why?? when I whant to open my site there is nothing - just white page. What can I do with this problem?? Please help me. Sorry my bad english, but I'm lerning it a few months.



 Re: Blue --Shine Theme

I have been having problems with the theme IRO of whenever I change a value (the height and width settings of the logo.gif file as I am trying to use my own logo) I get the white page problems too. I have to re-upload the original theme files, empty templates_c files to get the site back.

It's really annoying, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'd be interested to hear from those people who have used and edited the theme and whether it worked fine for them, and if not, how they got round the problem.

I am sure it's just me, but after spending 5 hours on it today without success (as I say, all I am trying to do is make it use my own logo file instead of the one it ships with) I have lost the will to live and PM'd Snow incase he knows what the problem might be. Fingers crossed.

It is a great looking theme, that is for sure.




 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

Bleah! Just for actracting people to the selling section...


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

It is a free theme. You do not have to pay to use it.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I really like this theme. Nicely done. Clean. Nice color scheme. The only problem I have is if I have menus in the right column, the background is light gray and the font is white. Can not see the links too well. I will have to take the time to change this problem in the style.css file.
I also have a real estate - auto listing module with virtual tour and it works with this theme. With most of the themes, the real estate module destroys the tables and the whole site is a mess.
Thank you very much for your work!


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

thank you, we can support requests for fixes to be done to the theme. If anything goes wrong with it you can post at the xoopsdesign forum in the free themes section


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

thank u


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

just want to ask to how would i change the text footer of the site and the logo... because when i try to edit the themes.html nothing happens..


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine


Did you go into Admin>Preferences and select the "Check for new templates" button?

If you didn't then you need to do so.

Check that the theme has updated by visiting your homepage and then go back and turn "Check for new templates" off again.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

'Download now' button... going to -your not authorized- site is bad XOOPS ediquite. You should place your download address there like Formulize and the other offsite downloads do. So we know upfront we are going off-site.

We rightfully expect the 'download now' buttons to be on an official XOOPS site.

The bottom copyright link indicates it is a XOOPS owned and supported theme no strings attached.

A BlueStocking opinion.[size=xx-small]
NOTE: checking the themes library, yours is the only one that does not offer a direct zip download via the download now button.[/size]


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine


'Download now' button... going to -your not authorized- site is bad XOOPS ediquite. You should place your download address there like Formulize and the other offsite downloads do. So we know upfront we are going off-site.

When we submitted the theme 2 years ago, we had clear we could use a "download mirror" and that's what we did. Also we reserve the right to have users register first to download, for us it's the best way to keep it controlled by spammers and give the registered users adequate support.

We rightfully expect the 'download now' buttons to be on an official XOOPS site

We?.... if it's such big consensus of people propose that in the rebuilding the repository forum.

The bottom copyright link indicates it is a XOOPS owned and supported theme no strings attached.

Where? The copyright of the theme says: Theme by XOOPSDesign.com

A BlueStocking opinion.
NOTE: checking the themes library, yours is the only one that does not offer a direct zip download via the download now button.

I don't know what you mean, if you mean the xoopsdesign.com free theme library you click download now and it directly downloads. If you mean the XOOPS.org theme library we used the download mirror option which was given to users.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine


This themes lib. I went right down the line and all I checked but yours were to a direct download.

My opinion is that is the way it should be on the XOOPS site, as a user with certain expectations.

I clicked on the download now and was not delivered a module. I choose not to register so the free XOOPS module is not available to me.

I consider that bad XOOPS etiquette. Not the practice of providing and linking to free modules off site or charging for themes but linking to an offsite with another registeration required from the XOOPS 'Download Here' button.

If everyone starts doing that hard telling where we will end up with what additional requirements.

RE: Copyright

02a Blue --Shine © copyright 2007 https://xoops.org

No option to return to Xoops, I had to close my browser and return to XOOPS anew. (I didn't have the foresight to open in a new window.)

Again This is A BlueStocking Opinion, yours may vary.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

that coppy right message is made by the moddule i think - not the theme makers


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I've tried twice to register so I could download this theme. It says it's sending me a confirmation email, but I never receive the email. My email address is good and I've checked my spam folder and found nothing there. I believe there is an issue at this site.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

It can be a problem with your email spam filter. What is your username and we'll activate your account.

Xoopsdesign.com Team


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

Thank you sir. Please activate 'dvbell'. I believe I also tried dvbell with some numbers after and you are welcome to delete that one.

Thanks again,


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

Dvbell, your account has been activated at xoopsdesign.com


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

Mortuk: You are right, Thanks for pointing that out to me. For those that don't come back to re-investigate, this message is lost on them.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

the theme not support IE6...


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

My DVD player wont play Tapes either.


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine


If you post a free theme on xoops.org don't make me to register at your site with some crappy email address that I use ONLY for cases like this one. Are you collecting email addresses to sell to spammers?


 Re: 02a Blue --Shine

I was looking for the first theme of Blue --Shine ? so, not the this one, but the first one.


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