ACCUH works with Xoops 2.3.3

Date 2009/4/2 16:29:54 | Topic: YAXS

Hi Xoopers,

ACCUH is an association of collectors of historical uniforms, mainly uniforms of World War II. Is one of the most important reenactors website in Spain.

Now goes online with Xoops 2.3.3

Modules: cbb, smartpartner, smartfaq, smartsection, wf-links, pical, sitemap, mytabs, google search, liaise, xcgalleri, mpmanager, catads, mastop publisher, and wBlocks

wBlocks is a module developed by me, based on the old module ntxusuario. It can display the status of the user, connected users, registration statistics and much more.

"Google Search" lets you enter the code that provides google adsense for search in to your site, adding advertising and profits.

Best Regards

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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