riding the web powered by xoops

Date 2002/9/17 15:38:57 | Topic: YAXS

Dedicated to the italian bikers who like the famous Suzuki GSF Bandit,, on-line since september 2001 starting with simple HTML
language and ASP pages, it now XOOPSed, and the new system is really
boosting its perfomances!
With the advanced features of XOOPS the hits are increased of 100% in
one month, and the visitors has founded in the new site all interaction
functionality they need. Chat, Forum and others XOOPS' modules (such as
news and pools) give their contribuition to make the last Bandit Meeting
a success.
The "light" structure of XOOPS and the support of the entire team of , make the management of
the site easier and faster.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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