Simple Accounts (SACC) V1.0 Released

Date 2006/2/24 2:30:00 | Topic: Modules

The Simple Accounts module (or SACC) is a building block module that is aimed at assisting Xoops business systems developers.

SACC provides the following functionality;

* Multi organisation accounting (accounts for >1 organisation can be kept in the same system, thus once the module is installed, many applications can use it.)
* Basic on screen journal entry of accounts.
* Hierarchical accounts
* A program API based on xoopsObject that can easily extended for additional application functionality

This is the basis of all future SACC development.

This is the last and only release (other than bug fixes) for the Xoops V2.0.x platform. All future development will be for Xoops V2.2.x and beyond.

In this release:

- All administration moved to Xoops admin backend.
- System documentation complete
- Trial Balance block added

The project page and download can be found here:

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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