HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/4 7:45

  • danyblue

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

I am trying to map pages made in HTML inside the Section and news part of XOOPS. I have tried freecontent, it works fine, but in need the Search mechanism to work, which happens only with content insert in the database.
When i put HTML in XOOPS, it works almost fine, i just have a problem that i don't know how to solve.
XOOPS insert in the beginning of all the content a lot of empty space, which makes my content go down in the window and not being seen right from the beginning.
I Have made the test with others CMS link postknue and Myphpnuke ( and in this case it is worse because it don't respect tables and columns).
THe test only workd if the last version of PHP-NUKE where all the content where displayed correctly.
Does any one know how to solve this problem?


Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/4 14:49

  • goghs

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2001/12/13

Could you set me the html and a testing url to me at goghs@eqiao.com. I'll look into it.
Extra whilespaces may be caused by your html codes.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 9:00

  • danyblue

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

the URL of the site where i am trying to post the article is


and the HTML code is



Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 10:04

  • Jan304

  • Official Support Member

  • Posts: 520

  • Since: 2002/3/31

It's really normal that XOOPS put's your content a lot lower then you expect. Put al your code before your text on 1 line. Difficult, but it works. XOOPS makes from every hard enter
. Don't expect more . Normally if you put all your code on 1 line your content wil be on the 2 second line. Greeetz,


P.S.:Plz remove a bit from your message, we now it's long

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 10:11

  • goghs

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2001/12/13

Yes, Jan304 is right. It's caused by myts processing logic when html post is allowed. Please wait for some time. I think I can solve it soon, though the first fix may be a quick and dirty one.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 12:55

  • danyblue

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

I don't see why it would be normal to lower the content that you are trying to publish.
If you are using HTML in a post is because you want to have a defined layout of you information, and you are expecting it to be where you are putting it.
To right all the text in one line, isn't a solution. The solution is to removed the logic that is lowering the content, that way every one have what they want. If I want my content lower, i will do that myself puting some BR in the beginning of the content.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 13:11

  • MaxIT

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 65

  • Since: 2002/11/8

If you are using HTML in a post is because you want to have a defined layout of you information, and you are expecting it to be where you are putting it

I think it is a different point of view regarding the Section's scope: allowing the use of HTML tags does not mean it needs HTML contents. Instead, Sections module would allow an unexperienced user to write a simple text document, so it needs to make all newlines as BRs. A quick & dirty hack should be probably a check to where is located your newline, and in case it's in the middle of HTML-only text part, then should skip the BR sanitizer.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 14:01

  • goghs

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2001/12/13

To tell the truth. this issue is not simple as you may think. Many users may find in PHPNuke, when you copy and paste html codes, and choose "HTML format", the outpu is good. But if you have noticed more detailed, you must find you have to add manually
to insert line break.
The reason XOOPS lowers the message you paste is that TextSanitizer has convert all line breaks (PC style \r\n, Unix style \n and Mac style \r) to

It's a dillema. We can change the way to make pasted codes display as you expected, and you must add line breaks manually.

Also I wanna stress one thing: even html is allowed, you should use simple HTML tags like anchor, formatting tags etc. If you paste complicated html codes, especially table tags, the output may be messy. The reason is even XOOPS output well formatted HTML codes, if there is any unclosed table tags in theme file, the output will be corrupted.

Sure I understand you may be disappointed, and think XOOPS is not a good CMS. I should say it's a issue of choice. This is why no application as I know solves this problem well enough.

Sure we'll try to find a better solution. Just wanna know this problem is not simple in fact.

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 14:14

  • MaxIT

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 65

  • Since: 2002/11/8

The reason XOOPS lowers the message you paste is that TextSanitizer has convert all line breaks (PC style \r\n, Unix style \n and Mac style \r) to

A suggestion: add an additional XOOPS code (like i.e. [ HTMLONLY ]) to core system. Then, all text inside the HTMLONLY tags will be text-sanitized in a different way, avoiding to switch newlines to BR automatically.

In this way, you can still use easily your short HTML tags inside a text, but if you want to insert large HTML codes you can put them between this new tag, so they will be showed exactly as they are without any exceeding BR .

Re: HTML problem in XOOPS and Other CMS?
  • 2002/7/5 22:07

  • danyblue

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/4/15

don't get me wrong, i am not unsatisfied with Xoops, in the contrary, I like a lot, i think that is far better than PHP nuke and others.
If I reported what seemed to me a problem is just to contribute to its evolution.
I am confident that a solution will come that will solve the problem and allow me to publish my hometown local newspaper in the net.



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