[XoopsTeam] - wtravel - Documentation and Promotion - member

I have worked with XOOPS for several years. I am interested in helping on the promotion of XOOPS. I have been helping on XOOPS marketing & promotion before and as part of my marketing study I made a marketing plan for XOOPS Netherlands together with a co-student.

This change in management gives us the opportunity to get XOOPS on top again. I hope this new setting will be a good foundation for promotion and marketing of XOOPS and I am willing to put in my share.

Re: $newid in register.php?

Are new users stored in the database successfully? Cause only then a value other than 0 is assigned to the 'uid' var.

Re: Xoops 2.0.17 released (Unofficial version) by Hervé

Smart2, why make a seperate group on google instead of discussing things on the XOOPS forum? We are all XOOPS users. People may have different opinions but this is the place to find out.

Regarding communication I think there is a lot of room for improvement. A few people have been working on a news item for the last couple of weeks that should shine a bit more light on the developments within XOOPS. That is a positive development.

Newsletter: article on XOOPS developments

What worries me is that there is no response from the core developers on things that require a response, like how the bugfixes as offered in this unofficial release will be implemented into the official XOOPS releases? On that point I can understand why fellow XOOPS users are worried.

How do you suggest the XOOPS project should move on?
The XOOPS Dev Team is requesting that the community gets involved and participates, there are still numerous bugs waiting to be fixed or reviewed on the Sourceforge site. Your help is welcome.

Re: Open holes and hacked

if i did it in the XOOPS path /www where i have xoops's files, it will be correct ?

That is not correct, it will cause your XOOPS script to stop working and it will make your php files readable (so also mainfile.php, which contains sensitive data).

xgarb says in his post to place the .htaccess file with that code in your uploads folder.

Re: Open holes and hacked

I've deleted the spaw editor but have left xt_conteudo installed with no wysiwyg editing since I have a fair amount of content under it ... anyone know whether there are any other holes in it? (I have protector installed as well)

You can safely use the content module, which works quite similar to xt_conteudo. As far as I know there is even an upgrade script from xt_conteudo within the content module.

Re: Open holes and hacked

xt conteudo is not safe for sure... it has security issues with its editor. It is best to uninstall it and remove it from your server.

Does anyone know of security issues with the other modules?

Re: Open holes and hacked

It could be useful to add a .htaccess file in the uploads folder that makes sure only .jpg .gif and .zip files are accessible from the web. In order to upload a php file there must be either a leak in one of the modules or someone who has an account an the same server and knows how to exploit directories chmodded 777.

Re: Open holes and hacked

Can you summarize which version of XOOPS you use and which modules are installed?

Re: Does a module that works like a database excists?

There is not such a module yet, but with a few modifications your requirements can easily be implemented in the EFQ Directory module. At the moment this module still being developed.

Re: new system

Welcome to XOOPS. It is good to see that you like the system. What part of XOOPS could be more stable you think?

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