Re: What is difference between?

^^that makes more sense.

However it means that to bypass the block title you have to leave it blank. That makes admin a pain. Easier for me to use regex and have a block title such as "My Special Block none" which will get trapped by the code as desired but is still easy to find in the blocks admin. After seeing the 2.2x block admin I'd go crazy with blank titles. But for minimal blocks this might be more efficient but my site doesn't seem to suffer doing it the #2 way.

To clarify, we're talking about a theme.html method for bypassing the block title right? Hint, my fav is to put a random image block on top of a mini calendar block making it look like a real calendar. I use it elsewhere for a slicker appearence.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: What is difference between?

Are these the same thing? I use #2 to strip a block title and make a neat appearence when desired. I don't see how #1 will do the same for a block title.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: Moving newbb/cbb to new (test) server

ok, and we know how much work it is to set all those forum rights. Making that task much easier would be high on my list of todos. But that is another topic..

Back to my task of hosting a module on a remote server. Any ideas on doing this? So far the easy way is to iframe the content. But I would like to pull the content with a unique theme (not affecting users going directly to the remote site). This theme would be stripped down so that my iframe appears clean. In particular I would want to strip out the header and footer and possibly left or right columns.

Any ideas on calling a specific theme (anon user) on the fly? Long ago I made a hack that called a specific theme based on the URL coming in. A little cleaner would be a theme based on the referring URL.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: how to find out which version i have installed

^^ not in 2.2x...... You get the normal footer there now. The easiest workaround is the 'echo XOOPS_VERSION;' placed in a block or anywhere handy when you need to know.

The new admin requires some getting used to. Especially the blocks admin. I'm not sure I like it yet but I'm reserving comment until I go live..
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: no pm notifications coming!!!HELP

It was a suggestion. Overwrite the modules/system folder with a fresh same version copy and update the system module. It has a lot to do with PMs.

You likely have a mismatch of file versions. And that could be a problem in other folders.

But that is only a guess.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: no pm notifications coming!!!HELP

Are you using custom templates (vs default)? Have you modified any templates directly or via system admin?

You should be able to recopy (overwrite) the modules/system folder with a fresh copy (same version). Then Update the System module. You should also make a fresh copy (overwrite) of /notifications.php

If you are using custom templates then you must update them to match the default system templates and then make any changes again.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: Moving newbb/cbb to new (test) server

rapid response Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, I can see the grouperm data but haven't figured out if I can snag the forum configs without problems. It doesn't look good unless I grab the whole site which isn't what I want to do. I wanted to start a fresh install and bring over selected data. For the most part that works well except for the painful forum config details.

BTW, any official word on which newbb is the officialy santioned one? xoops.org appears to still be on newbb2 and hasn't moved to cbb.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Moving newbb/cbb to new (test) server

I'm setting up a test server with only a few modules from the live site. I bring across the db tables needed and everything works fine except for the general configuration. No problem doing most of the configs but newbb/cbb is very tedious to configure so I'd like to maintain my original configs without copying over the entire site.

Besides copying the *_bb_* tables what do I copy across to get my original group rights per forum/category? Most of the forums have similar configs but it is painful to configure. And I'll do it again once I settle on a new site. Can I avoid all those tedious configs?
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: no pm notifications coming!!!HELP

Normally I would have guessed a template issue since this is a symptom of upgrades that didn't update the templates (notifications being one of those issues).

To narrow it down to the core or newbb have you setup notification on a module other than newbb and tried it? If it then works but not from newbb you have a template issue in newbb more than likely. Otherwise it is a core problem.

If you are using custom templates instead of the default then you can delete the newbb (and maybe system) templates and regenerate them to fix the problem.

Yes you can edit templates in the system admin panel. But you have to clone the default template and edit that. But you shouldn't do that until the system is stable first. The templates as shipped should work fine for notifications.

(one more thing, try reuploading the newbb files. You can overwrite the current files but make sure you actually overwrite them.) If you can't use FTP then from your host panel delete the entire newbb folder and make a new one from a clean source file.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

Re: no pm notifications coming!!!HELP

Tell us more about what you're running. XOOPS version etc.

Try setting to email notify and make sure at least it is trying to send the notification.

If you've upgraded lately make sure you've updated any custom templates and updated the system module.
no max no bling. goes double for mik. triple for the insane aliases of said lunatics
Not around here anymore. Way too many idiots, so sad.

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