error on install

I just did the auto install - what does this mean and what should I do?

Install XOOPS (3/3)

/home/jensclas/public_html/mainfile.php configured
/home/jensclas/public_html/data.sql configured

ERROR 1064 at line 615: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', 0, 1, 'system', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)' at line 1

Please notice:

We only offer auto-installation and auto-configuration of XOOPS but do not offer any kind of support.

The full URL to this installation of Xoops:http://jensclassroom.com/

Login with username jensclas, password pass2004 to access the administration menu.

Re:autoinstall with Fantastico

Thanks Herko

autoinstall with Fantastico

I am a total newbie to XOOPS and fantastico. I played around with othe CMS programs and have now had the site wiped clean - I have decided to use xoops. The autinstall has an instruction I can't find a clear answer to and it is probably the dumbest question but here goes:
The install screen says:

Install on domain
Enter a name to install in a directory (access example:http://domain/name/). Leave empty to install in the root directory of the domain (access example:http://domain/).

I want it at my domain name as the main web page so if I am correct i want it in the root directory and should leave it blank...is this correct?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Has anyone found a resource for using Fantastico...I have loked and searched for two hours and came to the conclusion it would have been much quicker to just ask...and i have considered ftp...but it sounds complex if i can use Fantastico....

Thanks in advance

error in loading xoops

I am a total newbie - and after looking around I selected XOOPS for my site...and used Fantastico to create an installation of xoops....and this was the error message I got

/home/jensclas/public_html/mainfile.php configured
/home/jensclas/public_html/data.sql configured

ERROR 1064 at line 615: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', 0, 1, 'system', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)' at line 1

Please notice:

We only offer auto-installation and auto-configuration of XOOPS but do not offer any kind of support.

The full URL to this installation of Xoops:http://jensclassroom.com/

OK...I am totally new and thought this would be easy...can someone guide me in plain english? I don't like playing with codes myself...

when you look at my home page I am missing a graphic...with a dreaded directory name i don;t understand

What is DOMAININSTALLDIR and why is it popping up and blocking things? Same was happening when I was trying to congigure Moodle.

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