Related problem with images, modules and cpanel????

Hi Everyone

I use C panel
I used an ftp program to upload image files to my images folder and modules to my modules folder.
In both cases XOOPS admin is not recognising the files or at least they've had a tiff and they aren't talking... I have had wonderful support finding the right code string for the images - but they appear still as crosses. I have tried suggestions for the modules and lost some standard ones along the way...they disappeared totally from the admin module listing so I am wondering now

1. Is there a communication block of some sort between XOOPS admin and anything ftp'd to the site?
2. Does Cpanel have something to do with this?
3. Any other suggestions please I know the files are there and I would love to use them.

Oh...other possibly important info:
Operating system Linux
Service Status Click to View
Kernel version 2.4.26
Machine Type i686
Apache version 1.3.31 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.1
Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Installed Perl Modules Click to View
PHP version 4.3.8
MySQL version 4.0.22-standard
cPanel Build 9.9.2-CURRENT 6

Oh almost forgot...I am sure all the permissions are right - but I am happy to check and followup any suggestions.


Re:image problems


jlm69 wrote:
If you are using html then you need to take out the'[' brackets, and the [/img] tags
<img src="<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg">

to make it xhtml compliant you would add an alt tag like this:
<img src="<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg alt='' /">

also don't need the public_html part. that is included in <{X_SITEURL}>

John - this is a wonderful string of code for a beginner who knows next to nothing about the coding - thankyou!
plus you are taking the '>' that should at the end of <{X_SITEURL}, like this <{X_SITEURL}> not at the end of the string.
[quote]ah ha!
If it is xoopscode then you have to much html.
I have no idea what code it is...using ace html and creating the document and saving it as 'all files' ...son't know that zoops code fits the pitcure but the x_siteurl bit is a tip on the edit block page so I decided to use it...so yes the codes are definately mixed up!
It looks like you are using both, not sure but I don't think you can mix the two.

Hope that helps


John I am not sure just how much I have mixed them up - but I tried your code solution and would you believe it..I still have no images showing. I am beginning to think now it is related to another problem - my modules don't show either in module admin...xoops is possibly not retrieving info correctly - so I am going to take this now to a new question. In the mean time - can you spot any other errors in this code? If there is noth9ng obvious then the problem is elsewhere.

<img src="<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg alt=''/">
<font color="#990099" point-size="1" size="6" title="Welcome" unselectable="on" weight="700"><div align="center">Welcome to Jen's Classroom!</div></font><div align="right"></div><img src="<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg alt=''/">
<hr size="3" color="ff9900"><br><br>
<h3><font color="#990099"><h6><h4>Wow what a project this is going to be! I am a school teacher and a decorative art teacher and have a great interest in the potential for E-learning and flexible learning environments. <br>I hope this classroom will have something to offer a range of audiences - specifically the Folk and Decorative Artist, my current school stuents and secondary school teachers. There will eventually be lots here from an interactive Moodle site for students to tutorials for decorative painters and a shopping mall with my patterns available for download. <br>Of course this won't all happen at once but you get the picture. Creative Learning is about having a go at something totally new and outside your square and thats what I am about to do. <br>Please register to enjoy the full benefits of this site. Have fun!</h4></h6></font></h3><br>
<hr size="4" color="ff9900" align="center">

Re:image problems

Thanks for that...never one to give up on learning the code...this is what i have now

<div align="center"><img src="<{X_SITEURL}public_html / images / webgraphics/taustralia.jpg[/img]"><font color="#990099" point-size="1" size="6" title="Welcome" unselectable="on" weight="700">Welcome to Jen's Classroom!</font></div<img src="<{X_SITEURL}public_html / images / webgraphics/tcreative.jpg[/img]><br><br>
<hr size="4" color="ff9900"><br><br>

The first graphic appears as a crossed box and something is missing from the code because it doesn't appear at all. Site url is www.jensclassroom.com

so I tried again

<img src="<{X_SITEURL}public_html/images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg[/img]"><font color="#990099" point-size="1" size="6" title="Welcome" unselectable="on" weight="700"><div align="center">Welcome to Jen's Classroom!</div></font><div align="right"></div><img src="<{X_SITEURL}public_html/images/webgraphics/tcreative.jpg[/img]><br><br>

I have both graphics as crosses now

so where might the problem be now?

Please be patient with me I will get there!

Re:modules not showing in admin

That didn't work either...now I have only three of the standard modules showing - the others are lost! Contact us, downloads and links are the only ones left - no bug reports..but the files still exist according to the C Panel file manager...I even uploaded individual files and over wrote all of the files in every folder on the Contents block module and still the modulr doesn't show up as an option to install on the install modules panel...

any other ideas?

Re:modules not showing in admin


Bahattee wrote:
I had a same problem once.

Try to delete all modules (from server) that are not installed (leave only one module that you want to install). Then reinstall System module.

That worked at my page.

Ok...I am brave...I will let you know how it goes...

Re:trouble seeing modules

oooh...I unistalled sections and now it is not in the available to install...will I try another? I have deactivated contact us..but am not game to uninstall it yet...waiting feedback


Re: trouble seeing modules

I have been posting about this in the Modules Troubleshooting forum..and unfortunately for me debugging show nothing...but your magical solution gives me an idea...so here's yhe idea..what if I unistall the other installed modules one by one save the admin module? and find which one might be blocking the others?

Re:modules not showing in admin


ackbarr wrote:
can you turn on php debugging and go back to System -> Modules and see if there are any error message on this page. They should be displayed at the bottom of the page, if any.

I did this and there are no error messages for me - I was really careful about uploading the module folder in each download too - ??

here is what I have in the file manager on Cpanel
public_html / modules

aleatoire 755
cjaycontent 755
contact 755
count 755
freecontent 755
myalbum 755
mydownloads 755
myguestbook 755
mylinks 755
newbb 755
news 755
sections 755
system 755
tipsandtricks 755
topics_blocks 755
tutorials 755
xoopsfaq 755
xoopsheadline 755
xoopsmembers 755
xoopspartners 755

The default ones have installed correctly

Thanks Ackbarr

Re:image problems

JasonMR wrote:
I don't seem to grasp your problem:

is available...see
The image manager give image files their own name, as when uploading, you decide on a name for the image, that is used for referencing[quote]

Thanks Jason - I'm sorry about this - that is the one file I uploaded with image manager. The problem is I FTP'd a dozen images to the public-html-images folder

public_html / images / webgraphics/taustralia.jpg

and the path isn't being recognised by xoops...in debug it shows the code rather than the image.

could it be that all these images are 644 rather than 744?

Re:modules not showing in admin

Just to follow up I have been reading all the manuals and info and spotted this in XOOPS wiki.
After upload, go to your Modules Administration Page and check if the new module is included in the uninstalled modules table.

here's the catch - they don't show...so I need some help with getting them to show...Thanks

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