Xoops Troubleshooting
Xoops is setup to do blank pages when functional or fatal errors exist. If you have a blank page you will need to debug the problem and then go to the Xoops support site and post your problem in a relevant forum. You will get quicker answers if you first debug the problem and post the results. The first thing to check is permissions on these folders:
There are several ways to start debugging
in Xoops
If you don't have admin access it could be that a block is causing an error on the default launch page. To attempt to access admin try typing this in your browser. This just might bring up the login dialogue, if so log in with your user details. If after logging in you are taken to another blank page, then type this in your browser: If the error is related to the Xoops default page or blocks then you should get into the admin using this method. Then switch on debug using the method mentioned above.
www.yoursite.com/include/common.php Then find the following three lines: One you have the error reported go to the
Xoops website and copy and paste the error into a relevant forum stating
the problem and your Xoops version etc. If you have a firewall setup on your local computer or network you will not be able to login until you add your site to the trusted sites list for your firewall. Also make sure cookies are enabled in your web browser No News content on the front page. You will not see any content on the front page unless you set up XOOPS to display a module on the main page. To do this go to System Admin-> Preferences-> General Settings. You will see a listbox called "Module for your start page". Now set this to News or any other installed module Xoops Troubleshoot A Blank Page